Academics at Risk e.V. 2024 Retreat Meeting Report with Panel Presentations

AAR_Network_Meeting_and_Retreat_Report EN AAR Network Meeting and Retreat Report TR PRESENTATIONS OF PANELISTS Dr. Fritz Alternative_Careers_AatRisk Dr. Fritz CareerStrategyScience_AatRisk Dr. Fritz...
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The 2024 Academics at Risk e.V. Retreat Meeting was held. On July 29-30, 2024, the Academics at Risk e.V. association hosted a "Network Meeting and Retreat," drawing significant participation...
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2023 yılı AAR e.V. Prof. Dr. Haluk Savaş Ödülleri

2023 yılı AAR e.V. Prof. Dr. Haluk Savaş Ödülleri1 2023 yılı AAR e.V. Prof. Dr. Haluk Savaş awards will be...
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An interview on academic freedom with Prof. Dr. Vedat Demir as Einstein guest researcher

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Prof. Dr. Vedat Demir, Academics at Risk Association member, made a presentation in the Philipp Schwartz and Inspireurope Stakeholder Forum 2024

Prof. Dr. Vedat Demir, Academics at Risk Association member, made a speech in the Philipp Schwartz and Inspireurope Stakeholder Forum...
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Academics at Risk Association members participated in the Philipp Schwartz and Inspireurope Stakeholder Forum 2024.

The Philipp Schwartz and Inspireurope Stakeholder Forum 2024, held on April 18th and 19th, was a pivotal event in the...
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Milliyetcilik ve Muhafazakarlık Arasında Sıkışan Gelecek

Milliyetçilik ve Muhafazakarlık Arasında Sıkışan Gelecek  Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası ilişkiler Disiplin Grubu Prof. Dr. Şammas Salur  
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Interview with Hozan Cane on March 8, International Women’s Day (Interview)

Interview with Hozan Cane on March 8, International Women's Day is on Zoom at 20:30 UTC+1. Do not miss it.
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Human Rights Day

Respecting human rights entails endorsing peace and fairness while uniting in the struggle for a more equitable world. Today, we...
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Dr Şengül Çelik, lecturer at the University of Mannheim and member of Academics at Risk e.V., presented a paper at the conference “Crimes against Humanity in the 21st Century”

Dr Şengül Çelik, lecturer at the University of Mannheim and member of Academics at Risk e.V., presented a paper titled...
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Volunteer Vision Mentoring

A high profile online mentoring software provider Volunteer Vision and Academics at Risk e.V. cooperated on a free mentoring program...
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More than 10,000 academics were dismissed from their jobs with the emergency decrees announced after July 15. Many academics left...
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WEBINAR-16 Professional Career and online Platforms

WEBINAR-16 Professional Career and online Platforms Webinar called "How to use online platforms for Professional Career" was prepared by "Integration...
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We need PEACE on all over the world.

We need PEACE on all over the world.
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Academics at Risk e.V. participated to 75th Book Fair in Frankfurt.

We are excited to announce that this year Academics at Risk Association took part in the Frankfurt Book Fair, the...
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Call for Paper Announcement for Academics at Risk – Journal of Human Rights and Refugee Studies (JHRRS)

Call for Paper Announcement On the occasion of 10 December Human Rights Day, a peer-reviewed journal, Academics at Risk Journal...
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Academics at Risk 2022 Awards

We are pleased to announce that the academics whose names are mentioned below have been selected worthy of the Academics...
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Academics At Risk e.V. 2022 Academic Freedom Award Prof. Dr. Vedat Demir

Prof. Dr. Vedat Demir is an exiled academic who is currently the Einstein Guest Researcher at Freie Universität Berlin in...
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Wir wünschen den Hinterbliebenen Geduld und Kraft.

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Master’s & Doctorate inGermany: A Success Story

  Seminar Link: Meeting ID: 872 7023 9401 Passcode: 957676
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The Situation of academic freedom in the post-coup era in Turkey

Academics at Risk Platform Report, December 2020 Erdogan Regime declared the state of emergency on 20 July 2016, by.

Araştırma Fonları

Araştırma Fonları text.

Forschung Funds

….. Forschung.

As the Platform for Academics at Risk, we initiated Interdisciplinary Studies in the following areas

Interdisciplinary Studies 1) Political Science and International Relations 2) Religious Sciences and Theology 3) Educational Sciences 4) Law 5).

Research Funds

The Funds Guide for Researchers is provided below as a reference.   RESEARCH FUND PHD RESEARCH FUND POSTDOCSJUNIOR RESEARCHERS.

Open letter to president of the European Court of Human Rights

Journalist and academic Prof.Dr. Mehmet Altan, who was dismissed from his job at Istanbul University with an emergency decree.


Academics At Risk Platformu, Akademik Gelişim ve Entegrasyon Çalışma Grubu seminerlerine devam ediyor. 22 Ağustos 2020 Cumartesi günü uzmanları.

The United Nations’ Universal Periodic Review (UPR)

The United Nations’ Universal Periodic Review (UPR) report study on member countries is one of the most important steps.

Prof. Dr. Zekeriya Aktürk: Altough I spent 14 months in a Turkish prison

Prof.Dr.Zekeriya Aktürk: As a suspect of terrorism, I spent 14 months in prison, but I have seen no single.

Seminar 2: Almanya’da Akademisyen Adaylarına Yönelik Burs İmkanları

ALMANYA‘DA AKADEMİSYEN ADAYLARINA YÖNELİK YÜKSEK LİSANS, DOKTORA İMKANLARI  13 Haziran 2020 tarihinde Platform gönüllülerimiz tarafından Almanya’da mülteci konumunda bulunan.

Interview with Islam Gunebakan

Islam Günebakan, a Turkish researcher, who had to flee Turkey in 2016, now will complete his doctorate in Ingolstadt,.

The Philipp Schwartz Initiative of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

Their home countries are blighted by war, their freedom of research is curtailed or they are persecuted: in many.

Prof. Dr. Haluk Savaş

The Symbol of Hope: Prof. Dr. Haluk Savaş He was one of the “Academics at Risk”. Nobody could label.

Seminar 1: Ausbildung, Weiterbildung ve Umschulung

Platformumuz tarafından ülkelerinden göçe zorlanan akademisyenlerin çalışma ve mesleki hayata entegrasyonuna katkı sağlama amacına uygun olarak “Ausbildung, Weiterbildung ve.

Academic Freedom in Turkey

STATE EMERGENCY and ERDOGAN REGIME Erdogan regime declared the state of emergency for 3 months on July 20, 2016,.


This page contains a list of websites regarding upcoming international scientific events and conferences to be held worldwide. Academicians.

Job Opportunities

Below you can find links to academic vacancies, job offers, and job searches mainly from Europe, Asia-Pacific, and the.


Researchers in Motion is a unique pan-European initiative delivering information and support services to professional researchers. Backed by the.

Social costs of the state of emergency in its third year

All those who are associated with the so-called attempted coup and who are seen as oppositional to the government.

   Academics at Risk e.V. 

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