Academics at Risk e.V. 2024 Retreat Meeting Report with Panel Presentations

AAR_Network_Meeting_and_Retreat_Report EN AAR Network Meeting and Retreat Report TR PRESENTATIONS OF PANELISTS Dr. Fritz Alternative_Careers_AatRisk Dr. Fritz CareerStrategyScience_AatRisk Dr. Fritz...
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The 2024 Academics at Risk e.V. Retreat Meeting was held. On July 29-30, 2024, the Academics at Risk e.V. association hosted a "Network Meeting and Retreat," drawing significant participation...
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2023 yılı AAR e.V. Prof. Dr. Haluk Savaş Ödülleri

2023 yılı AAR e.V. Prof. Dr. Haluk Savaş Ödülleri1 2023 yılı AAR e.V. Prof. Dr. Haluk Savaş awards will be...
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An interview on academic freedom with Prof. Dr. Vedat Demir as Einstein guest researcher

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Prof. Dr. Vedat Demir, Academics at Risk Association member, made a presentation in the Philipp Schwartz and Inspireurope Stakeholder Forum 2024

Prof. Dr. Vedat Demir, Academics at Risk Association member, made a speech in the Philipp Schwartz and Inspireurope Stakeholder Forum...
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Academics at Risk Association members participated in the Philipp Schwartz and Inspireurope Stakeholder Forum 2024.

The Philipp Schwartz and Inspireurope Stakeholder Forum 2024, held on April 18th and 19th, was a pivotal event in the...
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Milliyetcilik ve Muhafazakarlık Arasında Sıkışan Gelecek

Milliyetçilik ve Muhafazakarlık Arasında Sıkışan Gelecek  Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası ilişkiler Disiplin Grubu Prof. Dr. Şammas Salur  
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Interview with Hozan Cane on March 8, International Women’s Day (Interview)

Interview with Hozan Cane on March 8, International Women's Day is on Zoom at 20:30 UTC+1. Do not miss it.
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Human Rights Day

Respecting human rights entails endorsing peace and fairness while uniting in the struggle for a more equitable world. Today, we...
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Dr Şengül Çelik, lecturer at the University of Mannheim and member of Academics at Risk e.V., presented a paper at the conference “Crimes against Humanity in the 21st Century”

Dr Şengül Çelik, lecturer at the University of Mannheim and member of Academics at Risk e.V., presented a paper titled...
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Volunteer Vision Mentoring

A high profile online mentoring software provider Volunteer Vision and Academics at Risk e.V. cooperated on a free mentoring program...
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More than 10,000 academics were dismissed from their jobs with the emergency decrees announced after July 15. Many academics left...
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WEBINAR-16 Professional Career and online Platforms

WEBINAR-16 Professional Career and online Platforms Webinar called "How to use online platforms for Professional Career" was prepared by "Integration...
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We need PEACE on all over the world.

We need PEACE on all over the world.
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Academics at Risk e.V. participated to 75th Book Fair in Frankfurt.

We are excited to announce that this year Academics at Risk Association took part in the Frankfurt Book Fair, the...
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Call for Paper Announcement for Academics at Risk – Journal of Human Rights and Refugee Studies (JHRRS)

Call for Paper Announcement On the occasion of 10 December Human Rights Day, a peer-reviewed journal, Academics at Risk Journal...
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Academics at Risk 2022 Awards

We are pleased to announce that the academics whose names are mentioned below have been selected worthy of the Academics...
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Academics At Risk e.V. 2022 Academic Freedom Award Prof. Dr. Vedat Demir

Prof. Dr. Vedat Demir is an exiled academic who is currently the Einstein Guest Researcher at Freie Universität Berlin in...
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Wir wünschen den Hinterbliebenen Geduld und Kraft.

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Master’s & Doctorate inGermany: A Success Story

  Seminar Link: Meeting ID: 872 7023 9401 Passcode: 957676
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Applying For a Master’s Degree in Germany

14th Seminar Series: “Applying For a Master’s Degree in Germany”. on September 11, 20:30 (CEST) Detailed information about; ?Which.

13. Online Seminarreihe: „Der Weg zur Akademie“

Jugendliche treffen Akademiker*innen Wir laden Sie herzlich zur einer Gesprächsreihe mit erfolgreichen Wissenschaftler*innen ein. Sprecherin: Dr. Ayse Dereli Datum.

12th AARA Dialogues series

Event: 12th AARA Dialogues series The Opportunities for refugee scientists: fellowship programs for At-Risk Scholar and Scientists (Postdocs) We.

10 December World Human Rights Day

We are honored for your participation in the ” ” activities prepared by our Culture and Art Working Group.

Fellowships for Threatened Scholars

Fellowships for Threatened Scholars Applications due July 12, 2021     The Institute of International Education’s Scholar Rescue Fund (IIE-SRF).

EU FUNDING: Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV)

CERV programme aims to protect and promote Union rights and values as enshrined in the EU Treaties and the.


About this brochure*** Germany is a great place for research. Become part of a large international research community and.


STUDENTS AT RISK – HILDE DOMIN PROGRAMME   Hilde Domin lisans, yüksek lisans ve doktora bursu duyurusu   Bu.

Der globale Index stellt fest, dass die akademische Freiheit in vielen Ländern sinkt

Der aktualisierte Index der akademischen Freiheit (Academic Freedom Index-AFI) wurde im März 2021 veröffentlicht. Er deckt fünf Dimensionen der.

Die besten Wünsche für einen schönen Muttertag 2021

Wir wünschen allen Müttern einen schönen Muttertag. Ihnen allen möchten wir im Namen des Academics at Risk e.V ein.

GENEL KURULA TEŞEKKÜR… Dernekleşme sürecindeki aktif katılımınızın yanısıra 17.04.2021’de yapılan Genel Kurul toplantısına katılımınız ve katkılarınızdan dolayı da teşekkür ederiz.

GENEL KURULA TEŞEKKÜR Sayın Üyemiz, Derneklerin gücünü belirleyen faktörler, “mali durumları”, “organizasyonel yapıları” ve “üye sayılarıyla” birlikte, hiç kuşkusuz.


Prof. Dr. Sedat Laçiner koronaya yakalanmış. Nerede ve hangi şartlarda bakıldığını dahi söylemiyorlar. 20 Temmuz 2016’dan beri tutuklu. Çanakkale.

Congratulations to our academic colleagues…

Dem Mainzer Wissenschaftlerpaar Uğur Şahin und Özlem Türeci wurde heute das Bundesverdienstkreuz mit Stern verliehen. Mit der schnellen Entwicklung.

Online exhibition

Anlässlich des Internationalen Frauentags am 8. März möchten wir auf Ungerechtigkeiten und Leiden aufmerksam machen, die Frauen und Kinder.

International WOMEN’S DAY

Plattform Academics At Risk Unsere Mitteilung zum Frauentag Wir sind zutiefst besorgt darüber, dass die letzten fünf Jahre der.

Yeni: Sağlık Çalışanları İçin Almanya’da Akademik Hayata Entegrasyon Fırsatları

Düzenleyen: Academics At Risk Platformu Sağlık Bilimleri ve Tıp Çalışma Grubu Konu: Sağlık Çalışanları İçin Almanya’da Akademik Hayata Entegrasyon.

Yeni Seminer: Ausbildung, Umschulung, Weiterbildung ve Akademik Kariyer

Tarih: 8 Ocak 2021 Cuma Saat: 20:30 Almanya Saati Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 850 1208 5427 Passcode: 886919

Sergi “Cezaevinden Meriç’e oradan da Almanya’ya”

Çizmeyi seven, yaşadıklarını ve yaşananları çizgileriyle tarihe not düşen, 17 yaşındaki genç çizer Kemalettin Can’ın ve akademisyen bir ailenin.

Sergi “Cezaevi Yansımaları”

İnsan hakları haftası münasebetiyle, seramik sanatçısı ve tasarımcı, KHK ile ihraç, hapishanede tutsak edilmiş doçent bir akademisyenin cezaevi günlerinde.

Seminer: Almanya’da Akademisyenlik ve Akademik Hayat

KATILIM LİNKİ : Meeting ID: 874 0131 6000 Passcode: 903228    

   Academics at Risk e.V. 

E-Mail Adresses: 
Adress: Düsseldorfer Straße 332, 51061 Köln / Deutschland
Bank Account: VR Bank RheinAhrEifel eG – Vereinkonto Kontoinhaber: Academics at Risk e.V. Kontonummer: 1757 2312 00
IBAN: DE24 5776 1591 1757 2312 00 BIC: GENODED1BNA (Annual membership fee is minimum 30 Euros)